Hi, I'm Michael.
I help my grandfather with his nocturnal dialysis at home. Maybe you're considering trying home hemodialysis too, but aren't sure what's involved?
The purpose of this website is simply to share my experiences with performing nocturnal home dialysis.
I'm in the midst of creating videos that show the various tasks involved with home dialysis, such as how to set up the dialysis machine and connect / disconnect bloodlines. Hopefully these types of videos are useful in helping you discover more about home dialysis.
My grandfather does hemodialysis at home four nights per week, and I look after all aspects of his dialysis at home (including machine setup, dialysis treatment, troubleshooting, supplies and monthly bloodwork).
I am happy to share my experiences in greater detail if you have questions. Contact me via the form at the bottom of the page.
This website is 100% ad-free and not-for-profit. Hopefully you find the content useful in your research on nocturnal home dialysis.
Best of luck in your dialysis journey,
For more information about the home dialysis program in British Columbia, check out the BC Renal Agency: (link)
1.) What type of dialysis does your grandfather do at home?
Nocturnal hemo-dialysis (at night), 8 hour runs, 4 times per week. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights, generally (9:30 PM to 5:30 AM).
2.) Where are you located?
Vancouver, BC, Canada. Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health have excellent home dialysis programs.
I am incredibly grateful that this program exists. The team at Fraser Health have been so supportive in our journey.
3.) Do you & your grandfather prefer nocturnal dialysis at home to traditional in-hospital dialysis?
Yes. By far.
4.) What type of dialysis machine do you use?
Gambro AK-95 S.
My Nonno (grandfather) has been a dialysis patient since 2007. Since January 2013, a few months before turning 88, he's been doing nocturnal hemodialysis at home 32 hours per week (8 hours x 4 nights).
What a life changing experience (for the better)! With the tremendous help of the local health authority in Vancouver, I volunteered to be trained as his "nurse" and perform all aspects of my grandfather's dialysis.
Home dialysis can be a rewarding experience, because it gives patients and families much better control over health and lifestyle.
I'm not a doctor nor a healthcare professional, so this website should not be taken as medical advice.